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5-12-11 Fine Arts Commission Agenda
Meeting of May 12, 2011

Chair Howe called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT:  Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie Judy Okeson; Maureen Rodgers;
                     Dan Russell; Florence Schroeter; Sue Tukey; Prescille Yamamoto.
ABSENT:    Regina Barall; Betty Russell(excused); Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien; John Ryan; Roberta Sweeney.   

MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Florence Schroeter
To approve the minutes of April 14, 2011

III.    CHAIR’S REPORT                                  
        Chair Howe reported the following:      
Chair Howe stated she may need to take a leave of absence for a while until personal issues are resolved.  She is confident that Vice Chair Florence Schroeter will do a good job.

-  Information from Circle of Life in reference to the Willowbrook Program
-  iTowns cover – EHHS junior Julia Steele – featured artist with work on cover
-  Request from EHHS Band Director, $750 grant to have UConn students work with EHHS band percussion students in the summer.

MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Dan Russell
                To add to the agenda under payment of bills “Grant Request for EHHS Band Students”

        Drama/Lecture/Poetry – Jane Schneeloch Poetry Program May 22, EHCCC
        Maureen Rodgers reported there is an ad in the Gazette announcing the program on May 22.

Music – Paul Bisaccia program on May 15, 2011 from 2:00-4:00 pm First Church
Assistance needed with publicity
Florence Schroeter thanked Dan Russell for his assistance with the posters.  She reported that there were articles on the event in the Reminder and the Hartford Advocate.  There was an ad in the Gazette.

Florence Schroeter reminded the members of the organ concert being held later in the day on May 15 at St. John’s.

Florence Schroeter reported that the CitySingers are available for a performance the week after Holiday Fest on December 10.  Commissioners agreed that she should book the CitySingers for that date to be performed at St. John’s Church.

Photography                                     No report at this time.

Film Series (agenda item under Old Business)
Art –   Art League Festival
Terrye Blackstone reported the festival was successful, with a large number of exhibitors as well as children exhibiting.  The 2011 Purchase Award in oil titled “Looking through the Barn Window” was given to Edward Lomerson for $700.  

Additional invoices will be from Discount Trophy for engraving ($12.00) and Anne Belanger for calligraphy ($35.00).
There was a musical performance by “The Sign of the Times.”

Children’s Programs
Karen Howe reported there was an ongoing dance program at Willowbrook.

Dance                                                   No report at this time.

Chair Howe reported that auditions are underway for “The Wiz.” She informed the Commission that there may be a Sunday afternoon matinee rather than a Thursday evening performance.

     VI.       OLD BUSINESS
  • Film Series
Glynis McKenzie reported there was an over-run of costs for the film series.  It is extremely costly to show the films as well as running of the equipment.  Glynis stated she is willing to assist with this sub-committee if  the commission wishes for a different type of film series.  The foreign film program has been in existence for 5 years.  Discussion was held on having classical movies shown vs foreign films.

  • Sample of Note Cards, Business Cards
Chair Howe brought in samples of the note cards and business cards with the Fine Arts logo.  It was agreed that she will print 10 business cards per member and a ream of paper for the note cards with envelopes for Commissioners.  The Fine Arts Commission will reimburse Chair Howe for the cost of the paper as well as the cost of the colored ink for her printer.
VII.  NEW BUSINESS                                      None.                   

                        Theresa Godreau                         $    80.00
                Anne Belanger                           $    35.00
                        Discount Trophy                         $    12.00
                        Gazette ad                              $ 100.00

        Request from EHHS for $750 for master class – percussion students
Discussion was held on the request from Candance Guastamachio for $750 to have UConn students work with the percussion students in the summer.
MOTION          By  Prescille Yamamoto
                        Seconded by Susan Tukey
                        To award $750 for percussion master class at EHHS.

MOTION          By Dan Russell
                        Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
                        To pay bills as submitted.

Maureen Rodgers asked if the Commission belongs to the New Britain Museum of American Art.  At this time we have not paid any membership.

MOTION  By Maureen Rodgers
                Seconded by Dan Russell
To adjourn the meeting at 7:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk